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Conference Rooms

Booking inquiry

전시홀 담당자 연락정보 테이블표
Type Sector TEL E-mail
Convention Corporate event, Seminars, Academic conference, International conference, Incentive tour +82-31-995-8186
[email protected]

Procedure for use

01Event Preparation
  1. contract
  2. 14days Before Use
  1. 01Inquiries concerning the lease of convention/seminar/other subsidiary event spaces
    (Use of conference rooms, lobbies, subsidiary facilities, equipment rental, catering services, and other services)
  2. 02Schedule consultations
  3. 03Submission of documents (Copy of business license)
  4. 04Request for an estimate & estimation check
  5. 05Payment of deposit (50% of the conference room rental fee) and contract signing
  6. 06Payment of the remaining balance (50% of the conference room rental fee) and settlement of equipment rental and other costs)
02Event Opening
  1. 07Event Opening
03Event Closing
  1. 08Event Closing
  2. 09Settlement of additional rental fees (conference room, equipment, etc.)
회의실 내부 이미지 회의실 내부 이미지 회의실 내부 이미지
  • Please send an email to the person in charge at [email protected] with the following details:
    -Event name / Event date / Rental time / Number of attendees /
    -Number of conference rooms required / Any additional equipment needed / Etc
    Once received, the person in charge will review your request and respond accordingly.
  • According to regulations, the full rental fee must be paid in advance. The payment schedule is as follows:
    -Deposit: 50% of the conference room rental fee upon contract signing
    -Remaining balance: 50% of the conference room rental fee 14 days before the rental start date
    -Equipment rental fee: 100% of the fee must be paid in advance upon contract signing
  • -Basic equipment such as desks, chairs, podiums, wired/wireless microphones (quantity varies by room),
    and screens are provided and can be set up according to the organizer's request.
    -Additional paid equipment (e.g., projectors, portable stages, laptops, conference microphones) can be requested
    and set up after the contract is signed.
    -Any external equipment not provided by KINTEX must be arranged separately by the organizer.
    (Please note that KINTEX does not provide technical support or setup assistance for externally brought-in equipment.)
    -If you require wired internet access in the conference room, please contact KT at +82-31-995-8999.
  • Entry and exit must be within the reserved rental time.
    If you need early access or exceed the rental time, additional charges will apply for the extra hours used
  • Catering services are available only through KINTEX-registered providers.
    For menu options and pricing, please contact Shinsegae Gramercy at +82-31-995-8704.
담당부서, 업무, 세부내용, 이름, 직책, 전화번호, 이메일 정보 테이블 표
담당부서 업무 세부내용 이름 직책 전화번호 이메일
전시마케팅팀 전시회 문의 산업재 전시회 문의 김영범 차장 031-995-8037 [email protected]
정부/소비재 전시회 문의 송병종 과장 031-995-8032 [email protected]
전시회 문의 공연(콘서트, 페스티벌) 문의 오어진 주임 031-995-8033 [email protected]
컨벤션마케팅팀 컨벤션 문의 정부,협단체,정당,채용/입시 김승영 차장 031-995-8183 [email protected]
국제, 기업, NM, 종교 손효인 대리 031-995-8269 [email protected]
학술대회, 부대행사, 입주자박람회 장형진 대리 031-995-8207 [email protected]
로케이션 로케이션 촬영 문의 장형진 대리 031-995-8207 [email protected]
기타회의 중소규모 회의 - - 031-995-8187
[email protected]
연회서비스 문의 결혼식 및 가족연 이선희 실장 031-995-8703 [email protected]
학술대회, 금융, 정부협회, 국내외기업, 제약회사, 여행사, 종교 김경환 팀장 031-995-8704 [email protected]
스마트 사업팀 부대시설 안내 오피스 임대 문의 이근숙 차장 031-995-8367 [email protected]
상설매장(팝업스토어) 문의 이근숙 차장 031-995-8367 [email protected]
CS홍보팀 광고안내 킨텍스 내외부 광고매체 임대 문의 박성준 차장 031-995-8122 [email protected]